2013... a year of ups and downs...

This has been the first full year of sittings for the Mercury Light Circle.

Unfortunately due to work Dan had to leave us in February not returning till September so for seven months it was just Liz and me sitting each week. 

We kicked off the year experimenting with red light, both with the cabinet open and closed. Phenomena was reported in the red light as well as various different faces over mine but by March the communicators asked that we go back to developing in full black out. Liz then began experiencing more physical touches and she also found the darkness much better for discerning visual phenomena.

At the same time the communications from the cabinet started getting weaker. In fact during most weeks between April and June there was no communication at all, instead I found myself losing my awareness for about half an hour or so each week. When I came back I had memories of being outside the cabinet in the garage which appeared different to me. Amongst other things I saw open windows along the top of one of the walls, I saw people sitting round tables in the room and I saw a row of mugs lying on their sides in front of the cabinet which I then turned upright. I still don’t know if I was just falling asleep and dreaming or the team were taking me into a deeper trance state. This was at the time when the Mercury Star Circle was also sitting in the garage each week and Syann had told me that new energies she was developing would mean less communication from her spirit team and could possibly affect mine as well. Then in July after she disbanded the Mercury Star Circle to form a new circle in Haywards Heath my own communications began to grow strong again.

Liz has always been interested in the way the Scole Experiment sat in the 1990’s. In fact it was reading their book that sparked her interest in physical mediumship so with the Mercury Star Circle gone we decided to form a Scole style circle sitting round a table with a glass dome. We sit with no expectations and call the new circle the Mercury Experiment. So far developments have been mainly phenomena based as neither of us has been controlled for communication.

Meanwhile communications in the Mercury Light Circle were getting stronger and stronger each week. Liz was asking intelligent spiritual questions which in turn encouraged profound words from the cabinet. She told me afterwards they made good sense to her and often helped her with things going on in her own life at the time. We were told that our two circles would work well with each other and we also noticed that if Liz turned the music completely off it didn’t hinder the communications which seemed to be lasting longer each week.

Dan was back with us in September, just in time as it coincided with Liz’s holiday and for two weeks it was just Dan and me which possibly helped stabilise and re-introduce his energy back into the circle.

When Liz came back from holiday she was asked to continue sending out healing at the end of each session and to direct some of this healing to those who have passed over but are still on our side in their thoughts. She was asked to send light to our spirit team that they can utilize and use to help these confused people and in the future they may well send individuals into our room to be helped in this way.

The communications were still increasing and although I was not taken completely out of it I was finding it took longer each week for me to return to normality.

Dan was now drifting out of it for brief periods some weeks and he described it as feeling like he was being put in a box. Then one week a communicator spoke through me to Dan encouraging him to let someone speak through him and we were treated to a few words from Dan’s spirit friend.

On another occasion a communicator spoke to Liz and was able to manipulate and change images as she perceived them.

Our extra sit each month with Liz in the cabinet has been developing well and I’ve been experiencing much phenomena in the room while Liz has been vocalizing her experiences as they happen which proved very interesting when she last sat in December.

December saw some of our best Mercury Light sittings so far and we look forward to more exciting developments in 2014…